
Our Academy intent is to enable all our pupils to write confidently, clearly and enthusiastically across a range of situations and curriculum areas. Our children will be able to understand the need for developing, organising and communicating their ideas effectively and accurately.

We enable our children:

  • To write clearly, accurately and confidently for a variety of purposes and audiences;
  • To develop a consistent, clear, fluent, joined handwriting style and to be aware of the importance of presentation in order to communicate effectively;
  • To understand the conventions of writing, including grammar, punctuation and spelling;
  • To plan, draft and edit their writing;
  • To enjoy writing and feel valued as writers and
  • To appreciate the writing of others

Writing Pathway

Talk for Writing is used to teach writing across the academy. Children work on 3 week writing cycles, looking at the features of texts, learning how to edit and improve them before writing their own. Additional to this, we use text interrogation to identify all of the key grammatical features in the texts and use these as a base to edit and improve in the middle of a writing cycle. Children use a range of box up plans, text maps and timelines to help support and improve their writing.

Writing lessons

These are planned and delivered through the Talk for Writing (TfW) units. They are based on the ‘Talk for Writing’ (TfW) ethos and structure (below) which enables children to learn the language and structure of a range of genres and internalise them.

Shared and Guided Writing are used as strategies regularly within writing lessons.

Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling

Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling is taught through our writing pathway. We interweave it within our teaching of different writing genres so our children can apply it in meaningful ways building on previous learning.

Spelling is also taught discreetly through the specific spelling lessons and interventions for targeted children.

  • In EYFS and KS1, this is taught through ELS.
  • In KS2, children practise appropriate spellings daily. We follow the no nonsense spelling program.
  • Spellings are practised regularly and assessed each half term.