At the end of last term Liyanah, Year 6 at Park View Academy, wrote an inspiring letter to all the Delta Principals asking them if we could all agree to have 10 minutes everyday in which we turn off our lights and reduce our energy consumption.
Her idea has taken Delta by storm, with many Principals writing emails of support in return. As a result, we will begin our pan-academy blackout next week. Below is a copy of Liyanah’s powerful plea to effect climate change:
My name is Liyanah Mohammed and I am a year 6 pupil at Park View Primary Academy.
I am writing to you because I feel very strongly about climate change. Recently, I was inspired to make a difference when Patrick Bamford, a Leeds United footballer, came to our school. He and Tracy Brabin, who is the first Mayor of West Yorkshire, are working with us on a project to help save the environment. He challenged all the pupils to find a way to improve our school so that it uses less electricty and wastes less.
I came up with an idea to turn off your lights for a minimum of 10 minutes a day, with some help from my friend Selina Hussain, and now I want to take it further by asking every school in Delta to do the same.
We have decided that we are going to have a 10-15 minute blackout time. We have persuaded every teacher at Park View Primary Academy to do this everyday for at least 10 minutes, this means we are saving 2 hours of electricity EVERY SINGLE DAY! We are now on a mission to encourage every school in Delta to do the same. Imagine the amount of electricity we will be saving daily if we all play our part.
Please let us know if you would like to take part. We will be meeting with Patrick and the Mayor of West Yorkshire in January and we would really like to tell them how many Delta schools are participating.
Many thanks,